I am Xin Wang, a postdoctoral researcher from University of Oxford since 2024. I am fortunately to begin an AI for Healthcare research journey with Prof. David Clifton. Previously, I got my doctor Degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University in 2023, fortunately be advised by Prof. Ling Feng. I received my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2018.
My research interest lies in Data Mining (DM) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) – with special focus on:
- Computational Mental Health
- Knowledge Graph
My recent interest focus on:
- AI4Health
- LMMs and AI Agents
- [2024-07] One paper is accepted by UBICOMP2024! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2024-07] One paper is accepted by MM2024! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2024-05] One paper is accepted by ECML/PKDD2024! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2023-12] One paper is accepted by ICASSP2024! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2023-05] One paper is accepted by KDD2023! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2023-05] One paper is accepted by JBHI2023! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2023-08] One paper is accepted by CIKM2022! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2022-06] One paper is accepted by TIFS2022! Thanks to all co-authors!
- [2022-01] One paper is accepted by WWW2022! Thanks to all co-authors!
Selected Publications
Xin Wang, Huijun Zhang, Lei Cao, Ling Feng, Qi Li, Ningyun Li, Ling Feng. Contrastive Learning of Stress-specific Word Embedding for Social Media based Stress Detection. Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2023)
Xin Wang, Lei Cao, Huijun Zhang, Ling Feng, Yang Ding, Ningyun Li. A meta-learning based stress category detection framework on social media. Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (Oral Presentation on WWW2022)
Xin Wang, Huijun Zhang, Lei Cao, Ling Feng. Leverage Social Media for Personalized Stress Detection. Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia. (MM2020)
Academic Services
- Conference Reviewer or Program Committee Member: NIPS23,24、ICLR24、ACL21,23,24、WWW22,24,25、KDD24,25、MM24、EMNLP21,22,23,24、 NAACL21,24、EACL23、AACL20,22,23、ACL Rolling Review
- Journal Reviewer: TKDE, Health Information Science and System