You can also find my papers on my Google Scholar
- One UBICOMP2024 paper to come.
- One MM2024 paper to come.
- One ECML/PKDD2024 paper to come.
- Heuristic-Driven Type-Specific embedding in Parallel Spaces for Enhancing Knowledge Graph Reasoning.
Yao Liu, Yongfei Zhang, Xin Wang, Shan Yang.
Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2024)
Contrastive Learning of Stress-specific Word Embedding for Social Media based Stress Detection.
Xin Wang, Huijun Zhang, Lei Cao, Ling Feng, Qi Li, Ningyun Li, Ling Feng.
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2023)
[pdf][code&data]Continuous Stress Detection Based on Social Media.
Yang Ding, Ling Feng, Lei Cao, Yi Dai, Xin Wang, Huijun Zhang, Ningyun Li, Kaisheng Zeng.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI 2023)
A meta-learning based stress category detection framework on social media.
Xin Wang, Lei Cao, Huijun Zhang, Ling Feng, Yang Ding, Ningyun Li.
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022 (Oral Presentation on WWW2022)
[pdf][data]Fine-Grained Question-Level Deception Detection via Graph-Based Learning and Cross-Modal Fusion.
Huijun Zhang, Yang Ding, Lei Cao, Xin Wang, Ling Feng.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS2022)
[pdf][code]Interactive contrastive learning for self-supervised entity alignment.
Kaisheng Zeng, Zhenhao Dong, Lei Hou, Yixin Cao, Minghao Hu, Jifan Yu, Xin Lv, Lei Cao, Xin Wang, Haozhuang Liu, Yi Huang, Junlan Feng, Jing Wan, Juanzi Li, Ling Feng.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM2022)
Learning Users Inner Thoughts and Emotion Changes for Social Media based Suicide Risk Detection.
Lei Cao, Huijun Zhang, Xin Wang and Ling Feng.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC2021)
[pdf]Category-Aware Chronic Stress Detection on Microblogs.
Lei Cao, Huijun Zhang, Ningyun Li, Xin Wang, Wisong Ri and Ling Feng.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. (JBHI2021)
[pdf]Generating Instructive Questions from Multiple Articles to Guide Reading in E-Bibliotherapy
Yunxing Xin, Lei Cao, Xin Wang, Xiaohao He and Ling Feng.
MDPI Sensors. (Sensors2021)
- Leverage Social Media for Personalized Stress Detection.
Xin Wang, Huijun Zhang, Lei Cao, Ling Feng.
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia. (MM2020)